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          What I like about Venice is the town surrounded by canals, so this city is on the water basically, I love Venice since I played games called Assassin’s Creed II, this game was set on Venice, Italy, this city is so beautiful, at the best time to sight-seeing on dusk to see the sunset.

          In Venice, there’s a canoeing center at the Grand Canal to travel around the Venice canals, and there are markets nearby the canoeing site, and there’s an attractive site called St. Mark’s Basilica, Piazza San Marco, and the famous one is Lido di Venezia

          In 1980’s there’s a cultural event called Carnival Of Venice, was revived and the city has become a major centre of international conferences and festivals, such as prestigious Venice Biannele and the Venice Film Festival

          For the cuisine, there’s a Sarde in saor (it’s an marinated sardines), Bacala Mantecato (it’s receipt based on Norwegian Stockfish and Extra Virgin oil) and many more.


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Tipe - Tipe Negosiator

7 Tipe Negosiator dalam Komunikasi Bisnis Terdapat berbagai macam tipe negosiator dalam  komunikasi bisnis  yang perlu diketahui sehingga kita mampu memahami bagaimana sebuah proses negosiasi bisnis bisa diselesaikan dengan baik. Negosiator umumnya memiliki kedudukan yang penting untuk mencapai kesepakatan antara kedua belah pihak. Tentu saja, ini menjadikan posisi negosiator penting supaya kesepakatan yang ingin dicapai antara kedua belah pihak tadi memang benar-benar mampu terwujud dan sesuai dengan apa yang diinginkannya. Negosiator juga harus tahu  bentuk komunikasi bisnis  itu apa saja. ads Cara berkomunikasi dengan baik  mungkin juga perlu dimiliki oleh seorang negosiator supaya ia mampu menangani apa yang menjadi keinginan antara kedua belah pihak. Jenis komunikasi yang dilakukan memang termasuk  komunikasi interpersonal . Namun demikian, ada pula tipe negosiator yang sama sekali tidak kompeten dalam memegang kendali dalam hal kese...

How To Be A Tour Guide

Post ini dibuat untuk memenuhi Tugas Softskill Kepariwisataan 2 Universitas Gunadarma PTA 2017/2018 Kelompok : The Flannels Nama : Friska Dianra NPM : 12615788 Kelas : 3SA04 Nama : Boyke Emerald Maulana NPM : 11615394 Kelas : 3SA04 HOW TO BE A TOUR GUIDE Being a tour guide can be a great career option for people who love to travel, enjoy being in front of a crowd, and are masters of multitasking. If that’s you, then start looking for job opportunities online and in your area. You can improve your chances of getting hired by becoming professionally certified or getting a degree. Once you’ve found a job, be ready to meet the challenges of this fun and unique but sometimes hectic position. METHOD 1 LOOKING FOR THE OPPORTUNITIES 1. Look online for a variety of job postings. Tour guides work at parks, historic homes, sightseeing companies, cruise ships, and many other locations. Consider where you’d most enjoy working. Narrow your search to those types of positions. To get started, enter s...


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