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1.   1.   Dinosaurs are classified as reptiles, although some appear to have been warms-blooded
     A                                     B                               C                                         D
Answer : C

Reason : it should be replaced by “some appeared” because ‘are classified’ is a past perfect.

2.     2.  Every fuel has their own particular temperature at which it begins to burn.
                      A                       B                                 C         D
Answer : D

Reason : ‘which’ explained about the things, so after ‘which’ you can’t put ‘it’

3.      3. The hormone insulin controls by the amount of sugar in the blood which
                                            A                         B                     C
provides energy  for the body.
Answer : B

Reason : ‘the amount of sugar’ is wrong, because hormone insulin isn’t being controlled by sugar.

4.      4. Pelican Island in Florida and Oregon Islands in Oregon are wildlife refugees.
            A                 B                         C                                             D
Answer : C

Reason : we have to used “the” before Oregon Island because it’s an adverb

5.      5. When the island of Surtsey was eighteen months old a first leafy green plant appeared
                 A                B                                                  C                D
Answer : C

Reason : because the definite article should be used with an ordinal number.

6.   6.   Octopuses have not only large brains and also a well developed nervous system.
         A                                                B          C           D
Answer : B

Reason : ‘not only’ in pairs with ‘but also’.

7.     7.  Symptoms of mild vitamin C deficiency may be weakness, irritability, losing weight,
                                                                                    A               B                  C
and apathy.
Answer : C

Reason : because it is not parallel with the other items in the series : losing is a gerund whereas the other items are noun.

8.      8. Around 1750, electricity experiments became populartity as entertainment at the court
                              A               B                                 C                    D
of the French King Louis XV.
Answer : B

Reason : ‘popular’ supports the electricity experiments, while ‘popularity’ describes someone or something.

9.    9. In 1780, Italian scientist Luigi Galvani mistaken concluded that frogs’ legs contain
                               A                                   B                                                      C
Answer : C

Reason : it should be contains because electricity is also a part of the frog’s legs. Electricity is contained inside the frog’s legs.

110.  Electricity produced by nature is called static electricity because it exerts a forceful
                                          A                      B                                                        C
When it is stationary
            Answer : C
Reason : It should be force not forceful, because the word force describes the verb that support the word stationary. While forceful is an adjective.


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How To Be A Tour Guide

Post ini dibuat untuk memenuhi Tugas Softskill Kepariwisataan 2 Universitas Gunadarma PTA 2017/2018 Kelompok : The Flannels Nama : Friska Dianra NPM : 12615788 Kelas : 3SA04 Nama : Boyke Emerald Maulana NPM : 11615394 Kelas : 3SA04 HOW TO BE A TOUR GUIDE Being a tour guide can be a great career option for people who love to travel, enjoy being in front of a crowd, and are masters of multitasking. If that’s you, then start looking for job opportunities online and in your area. You can improve your chances of getting hired by becoming professionally certified or getting a degree. Once you’ve found a job, be ready to meet the challenges of this fun and unique but sometimes hectic position. METHOD 1 LOOKING FOR THE OPPORTUNITIES 1. Look online for a variety of job postings. Tour guides work at parks, historic homes, sightseeing companies, cruise ships, and many other locations. Consider where you’d most enjoy working. Narrow your search to those types of positions. To get started, enter s