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Passport and Visa

Nama : Boyke Emerald Maulana
NPM : 11615394
Kelas : 3SA04

What Is The Difference Between A Passport And A Visa?

Traveling soon and need to know the difference between a passport and a visa? Before traveling, be sure you know the differences between a passport and a visa because you may need both.


A passport is issued to a country’s citizens for international travel and identification. It is used to verify one’s country of citizenship. If traveling outside your country, it is used to regain entry into your country of citizenship.
A passport includes a photo of you, your name, birthdate, gender, and physical characteristics.
For U.S. citizens, some countries only require a passport for re-entry. Other countries may require a visa before entry. You should confirm if a country-specific visa is required before traveling.
Diplomats and government officials are granted different passports than what’s given to regular travelers.


A visa is an endorsement placed on a passport granting the holder official permission to enter, leave or stay in a country for a specified time period.
The most common visa types are tourist, student, work and transit visas.
Depending on where you are traveling, a visa can be valid for single or multiple visits.
Some visas require an application to be filed prior to entering the country and other visas are granted upon entering the country.
Certain countries require an interview or medical screening prior to applying for a visa.

The Procedures To Make Passport And Visa
Passport :

1. Fill out your form
It is used for :

→ Applying for the first time
→ Children under 16 applying or renewing
→ Renewing an adult's passport
→ Changing a name within a year
→ Correcting a passport error
→ Replacing a Limited Validity passport within one or two years

2. Collect your supporting documents
You'll need :
→ Citizenship evidence
→ Identification
→ Proof of relationship (for children under 16)

The specific documents you need depend on what form you're using.

3. Get your photo
You need one 2" by 2" color passport photo.

4. Calculate your fees
Passport fees depend on a number of factors.

5. Submit!
How do you submit?

→ In person at an acceptance facility or a passport agency
→ By mail or in person at a passport agency

Source :

Visa :

1. Get the application package

The application package includes an instruction guide and all the forms you need to fill out.

Read the guide carefully before you complete the application. We will not refund your application fee, so make sure you are eligible for a temporary resident (visitor) visa before you apply.

Each individual applicant must submit a completed application form. Applicants under the age of 18 must have this form signed by a parent or a guardian.

2. Pay your application fees

In most countries, application fees must be paid in Canadian dollars.

If you apply on paper at a VAC, you will also have to pay the VAC services fees. These fees are not already included in your application fees.

3. Submit your application

Families should send their individual applications in one package. The principal applicant must send this combined package to the location where their application will be processed.

Source :


  1. Nice Article! Travel is very important for healthy mind. But, a valid passport is required to visit visa-free countries.Without a passport, you will not be able to enter any country. If the passport has not yet expired but has 7 months or less validity, the applicant can still apply in the renewal category. Here is the complete guide of Online Passport Renewal


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