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Ways To Promote A Tourist Attraction

Nama : Boyke Emerald Maulana
NPM : 11615394
Kelas : 3SA04

Nama : Friska Dianra
NPM : 12615788
Kelas : 3SA04


Post ini dibuat untuk memenuhi Tugas Softskill Kepariwisataan 2
Universitas Gunadarma PTA 2017/2018



Consider what makes your town or city unique.
One way to do this is to make a list of all the activities and attractions currently available in the town. Often, tourist are interested in the things they can do and see in your town or city, more than the location of the town or city itself. They will search online for an activity first and then a location. For example: rock climbing Bend, Oregon, or fly fishing Missoula, Montana.

Conduct a survey of the members of the community.
A survey is a valuable tool during tourism planning as it helps you collect information on the town and ensures the community can agree on the branding and marketing for the town. Do face to face interviews or phone surveys.

Do a survey of visitors to the town.You can conduct face to face interviews at the local shopping mall. You can also ask visitors to sign up to a mailing list and email them a survey.

Create a marketing plan.
A good way to do this is to determine target marketing segments. Define market areas that will draw the most visitors, like a well known hiking trail, an important historical site, or a museum. Then, divide these areas into trip length categories, and define the clientele that will be attracted to the community.

Create a unique slogan.
If you come up with a slogan, but its possible to remove your town’s name and plug in another town’s name, it is not a unique slogan. Avoid common buzzwords like “explore” “discover” “center of it all” “something for everyone” “best kept secret”, etc.

Make an action plan.
This will be a to do list to make the market plan a reality.


Create promotional materials. These can be promotional t-shirts, hats, stickers, and flags with the town slogan and branding. Go local and hire a local illustrator or designer to create the promotional materials.

Organize public radio spots and television ads.
One of the best ways to promote the town is to create radio and television ads, focusing on the slogan for the town and the points discussed in the marketing plan.

Make a tourist map.
Another great way to promote the town is to create a detailed map for tourists and place them in local malls, restaurants, and bars.

Do a promotional draw or contest.
Get the attention of tourists by offering them a free incentive to explore the town.


Make a website and keep a blog.
If your town or city doesn’t already have a website, make a website with a simple, easy to use template. Be sure to use high quality images and graphics on the site so it looks professional and inviting

Create a Facebook page and post something every day.
Creating a Facebook page is easier to do than building a website and allows you to make friends quickly. Posting a new image of the town or a few words about an upcoming event will also ensure your friends notice the page on their Newsfeeds.

Make a Twitter and Instagram account.
Promote the town on other social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram. Post regularly and follow users with lots of followers or a high profile.

Start a Youtube page.
Youtube is another great way to promote your town and attract more tourists. Keep the page professional and use easy to search terms in the titles of the videos, such as the name of the town and the activity or event in the video.

Use an app to promote events and attractions.
Partner with a developer to create a smartphone app and promote local events through the app. The app can be programmed to showcase hotels, restaurants, shopping, and events, as well as other important tourism information like directions, the location of information centers and public restrooms, and suggested itineraries.



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