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Types Of Tourism

Nama : Boyke Emerald Maulana
NPM : 11615394
Kelas : 3SA04

Types Of Tourism

1. Birth Tourism

Birthright citizenship is the thing that is sought by people indulging in birth tourism. This kind of tourism involves traveling from one country to another, in order to give birth to a child so that the child automatically becomes a citizen of the destination country. While the practice seems a little far-fetched, it is common in countries with economic, social, and political instability. Wealthy circles in poorer/underdeveloped countries are also often seen indulging in this kind of tourism so that their offspring become citizens of developed nations, and thereby, gain all the benefits.

Most Visited Countries: USA, UK, Canada, etc.

2. Doom Tourism

Also known by the names like last chance tourism and tourism of doom, this is an emerging trend in the global tourism sector. First identified in 2007, it refers to touring those places/sites/regions, which are under some kind of an environmental and/or human threat. The basic aim of doom tourism is to urge people to visit the threatened sites before they are lost forever, which is why the concept is gaining popularity by the day. However, according to some critics, the growth of doom tourism may, in fact, speed up the deterioration process of the already-threatened sites.

Famous Sites: Amalia Glacier, South Patagonia, Chile; Mount Kilimanjaro, Kilimanjaro Region, Tanzania; Ladakh, Jammu and Kashmir, India, etc.

3. Ecotourism

Ecotourism is a very broad category of tourism that involves a socially responsible travel to virtually undisturbed and pristine areas of natural beauty. It involves traveling to places, the primary attractions of which are flora and fauna, natural and/or artificial landforms, and settlements of indigenous communities. Ecotourism also encompasses the concepts of geotourism and wildlife tourism. Moreover, agritourism has been added to the list of subtypes of ecotourism, which involves visiting a farm or ranch, and indulging in agriculture-related activities.

Famous Destinations: Palau, Micronesia; Norwegian fjords (different locations), Norway; Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya, etc.

4. Space Tourism

Space tourism is another newly developed concept in the tourism sector. It involves traveling to space for recreational or business purposes. A number of startup companies offer space tours to a limited number of tourists each year, but the concept is still in its developmental phase. Right from its inception, space tourism has been subject to a large number of criticisms owing to its high costs, and also the various legal constraints. However, there have been a number of such missions, which have been successful.

Space Tourists: Dennis Tito, USA (8 days); Anousheh Ansari, Iran (12 days); Guy Laliberté, Canada (11 days).

5. Sports Tourism
Sports tourism, as the name suggests, involves sport(s) and the excitement and enjoyment it offers, as its basis. It can be either active or passive in nature, which means that one can either travel to another place in order to participate in a sport, or just to watch it being played. Numerous sports, such as cricket, football, tennis, etc., have gained worldwide popularity today, and we see a large number of tours organized at times of major tournaments, which enable people to watch these games live in the stadiums. This niche of tourism generates a good amount of income each year.

Famous Destinations: Brazil, India, England, etc.

Source :


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